What I'm Listening To

by - 5:30 pm

Following up from my first post being a little introduction to my blog, I figured I'd use this post to let you know a bit more about me, and what better way to do that than through music? I like to think I have quite a varied taste in genres, but in reality I listen to a lot of the same kind of thing, and I'm currently working on finding new artists. Spotify has been a really good source for me, I constantly refer back to the daily playlists it creates for me, as they always contain some firm favourites of mine along with similar new artists to add to my music collection. 

I'm currently working on keeping an up to date playlist of songs from bands I find, but here's a non-definitive list of artists I haven't been able to get out of my ears recently, some of which I would call my favourite bands, some I'm just venturing into.

Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes

I first heard of Frank Carter when he was mistakenly called Frank Turner (one of my favourite musicians) on BBC radio, but never really paid much attention to him. After listening to their sophomore album Modern Ruin, I've realised that their music isn't as "heavy" as I'd originally thought, and that I shouldn't have wasted time not listening to this. I particularly like the tracks Snake Eyes and Wild Flowers.

High Tyde

A Spotify find I'm particularly happy with, the track Speak first appeared on an indie daily mix and I spent the rest of my ride into work listening to the Real EP. It's super upbeat and just what I need to liven me up when I'm super tired on the train but gotta be somewhere bright eyed and bushy tailed. Glow is probably my favourite song from them, although not on the EP it's worth a listen, or 20 if you're me and dancing around getting ready for a night out.


Jaws were a band recommended to me a friend several years ago, who I listened to religiously for weeks and then just kind of forgot about. I really enjoyed their first album, Be Slowly, there was a lot of simplicity in the lyrics and melodies that made it really easy to listen to and that gave the record a dreamy quality, which I'm very much a fan of in music. Last year they released Simplicity, which showcases a lot of natural progression in their style, making it a more grown version of Be Slowly. I really love the chorus of What We Haven't Got Yet, and how it contrasts with tracks like 17.


I feel I need to give a some special mentions to Hard Times, it's super sunny and reminds me a lot of Fickle Friends, who I'm super into right now. It's been so long now since Paramore released something new that I kind of forgot the existed for a couple of years if I'm honest, and then all of a sudden this track appeared on my timeline to bless my gloomy day. I'm really into this track and I hope that the band's new album continues off in this direction into jammy pop tunes.

Frank Turner

I don't think I can do any kind of writing about music about this guy, and I'm sorry, but he still remains one of my favourite songwriters, and I'll stop writing about him when he stops releasing relevant tunes and speaking to my soul. The Sand In The Gears was written on a North American tour just after Trump's inauguration, and then played on some of those shows. The day after the Womens' marches all over the world Frank released a live recording of this song. It speaks of using music and and concerts as safe spaces from hatred, and about not giving up the protesting just because Trump is in to stay, but being "the sand in the gears for the next few years", making life difficult for him and those his warped ideas seem to encourage.

If you liked any of these tracks, please let me know, I love to hear other peoples' take on music. AND please please please give me some suggestions for new music, not necessarily similar to any of this, let me know who you're listening to and loving at the moment! You can leave a comment here or find me on any of the social media in the side bar.

Rae xo 

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